Saturday, July 6, 2013

Herve Mons@PLM

Gooey Goodness! Herve Mons "Camembert". (The reference photo was a stock image, so who knows which delightful soft white rind cheese this really was!?)

All chalk marker, done on foam core, so it will live forever, and never need to be erased :D By Jen and Tegan!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sunset Fishing Vessel

Hello crafty people. It's Plymouth Meeting again.

Here is the latest and greatest collaboration of Jen and Tegan. The best thing about this chalk is how easy, fast, and how nice this chalk turned out.

Our technique: We started by painting the background. We used many layers, very wide paintbrushes and finished off with some sponge painting. We were very pleased ;)

Second half was drawing the black silhouetted ship against our lovely sunset sky. We did transfer many lines for clarity and time's sake, and then finished up by looking at our reference photos.

We hope you like it as much as we do, and for any chalk artists out there looking to paint a complex sea faring vessel, this is the way to go!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Gran Queso Chalk

Here at Plymouth Meeting, our biggest chalks that regularly change out are our Specialty department chalks. We have three total, but we try to limit the changes to one per month. This partly due to the level of work that goes into each one, and the other reason being normal time constraints.

This is our latest one that incorporates hand drawn lettering by Jen Kelly and three separate illustrations by moi. My hope is for all of my illustrations created from now on is to save them (by avoiding drawing directly onto the chalk) and creating them on black foamcore/foamboard.

It is definitely a tricky technique; the foamcore sucks up the paint like a sponge, and due to the heavy moisture saturation into the foam and paper material, the illustrations start to warp like a pringles potato chip. The solution is coating the back of the foamcore with an equal amount of chalk paint, usually black, and after it dries, then compress with heavy weight, overnight is best.

Without any further ado, the Gran Queso chalk:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Slammin' Salmon!

Hey fellow artists! I'm coming close to my year anniversary as a signmaker here in WFM Cincinnati and I just wanted to show off one of my latest boards!
Feel free to check out more of my work at

Friday, April 26, 2013

Roland! The Master of Printers!

Hello Artist Alley. Wanted to post a photo from our sweet printer Roland. This was a digital print that was wrapped on one of the wood bins in produce!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bunny 2013 at Plymouth Meeting!

Here is the latest in my chalk bunny installments.