Monday, May 28, 2007

great idea!

Hey Tegan- This is terrific- just not sure how this all works. It looks like I successfully got the images on the blog. Check out the bottle. First attempt at any such 3d display. Made from chicken wire, strips of cloth with plaster - lots of work with my back-up artist, Dan Angel. Its about 4' high, so its pretty noticeable! Not too pleased with the end product - a bit rough, I think. Next time, hope to improve technique. Any suggestions out there? Second picture is just drawings of cornstalks on window. I used poster paint. It was a bit runny. Probably will use markers next time.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Officially off my rocker.

What was I thinking??....Well, it does stay up all summer, at least!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Great Website!

Hey y'all,

I wanted to share this great website on 50's period advertising art. It's called:

Check it out! There's so much stuff on there. I was going to do a 50's art theme to my next round of boards, and it's helped me find so many great artists to look up.


Monday, May 14, 2007

What a great idea! I will have to look through my archives for some new stuff to post! Thanks Tegan for putting this together!

Friday, May 11, 2007


This is a test image post.

Check out my shrimpie!

Welcome to WFM Artist Alley

Greetings friends!

I thought that we could all use a place to interact and share images, good websites, ideas, and other WFM artist fun. Since email is nice, but limiting and personal, I thought a blog would be a better way to facilitate group interaction. So, wecome to our new secret hideout!

It's my intention that we all can use this spot to keep in touch, show off our work/critique, have friendly rants, and most importantly, work through artists' block.

Since we will most likely be checking in to this blog on WFM time, it is important that we keep our topics pertaining to work, and don't waste company time. This blog is meant to be a tool to help all our WFM artist friends and help us create better artwork at work.

You'll have to create a blogger account to post, but don't hesitate to email me with any questions if you have trouble.

Happy blogging!
