Greetings friends!
I thought that we could all use a place to interact and share images, good websites, ideas, and other WFM artist fun. Since email is nice, but limiting and personal, I thought a blog would be a better way to facilitate group interaction. So, wecome to our new secret hideout!
It's my intention that we all can use this spot to keep in touch, show off our work/critique, have friendly rants, and most importantly, work through artists' block.
Since we will most likely be checking in to this blog on WFM time, it is important that we keep our topics pertaining to work, and don't waste company time. This blog is meant to be a tool to help all our WFM artist friends and help us create better artwork at work.
You'll have to create a blogger account to post, but don't hesitate to email me with any questions if you have trouble.
Happy blogging!